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Mu Legend all the content tips

Mu Legend will be in September 2017 beta, the players must first familiar with the game in order to have a better experience, the following is the details of this game, hope to help you.

Game details:

  • Rift

The Rift will lead you to undefined places across time, space and even dimensions. Every time you enter, the dungeon's structure and monsters will be procedurally generated and placed according to character level. During certain periods, the Rift adds an extra challenge known as the Dark Rift. You can get more rewards if you enter the dungeon during these time periods.


  • Endless Tower

It is said that the Endless Tower connects the heavens and the earth, and those who reach the top can converse with the gods. Do you have what it takes to become a legend? Take on the Endless Tower and find out!


  • Altar of Spirits

Set in desolate ruins in a forgotten forest, Altar of Spirits is a team-based PvP zone. Matches are 5v5 to 10v10 affairs, and each team is tasked with capturing altars. Conquer more altars than the opposing team to reach the score limit first and win!


  • Guild System

Create your own or join an existing one. You benefit more and more as your guild progresses. At a later stage, you'll be able to get your own airship and experience new adventures in the coming content updates.


  • Lupa's Labyrinth

Build up your strength to new heights, in Lupa's Labyrinth. You can acquire and strengthen a new growth element, called "Relic". Challenge the extreme difficulties of the labyrinth and strengthen your Relic. The higher the level, the more substantial the effects become.


  • Arena

The Arena is a PvP battlefield. In it, you can have 1v1 battles against another player's AI character. Challenge the Arena and test your strength!


Players have to carefully understand the game, to develop their own game strategy, to be able to experience the game very well.

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MU Legend Pets Guide

Pets have their own leveling system. As their levels increase, so do their basic stats and their stat bonuses are applied to your character.


Best Place to Buy Mu Legend Zen And Other Products

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Let Us Continue To Wait For MU Legend Global Open Beta In The Summer

here are the WEBZEN releases the causes of delay in issuing the open beta, I really hate it when they speak 6 languages of every thing, that is their job. Why not spend time on improving the game, as each new test


okaymmo:Why MU Legend's Open Beta moved to November 2017

WEBZEN Officials sharing a recent decision made by all stakeholders involved in the MU Legend game project to delay the OBT release for three months. MU Legend's Open Beta moved to November 2017.


Webzen recruiting talents in Europe and America, accelerating perfection of MU legend

There's rarely an opportunity to enter the video game industry from scratch. WEBZEN is one of those rare companies that can offer such a golden ticket, granting you backstage access to the gaming industry. Don't be scared, we know you already have something that interests us: your passion for games!


MU Legend Video - What's Good

MU Legend aims to offer content that caters to both solo and party play with a deep and intriguing world that will satisfy long time fans and new players alike.

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