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News And Guides

Kritika online classes more detailed information

Kritika online conducted a public test yesterday, In Kritika, Players are able to choose from 4 different base clases: Warrior, Rogue, Mage and Scyther.


MU Legend global open beta begin this summer 2017

WEBZEN announced that the global version of MU Legend will launch into open beta this summer year. With the start of the OBT, all players around the world will be able to push through the gates of the continent of MU and discover the latest instalment in the MU franchise!


Where to buy cheapest Kritika Online gold

Kritika Online gold is a must for players playing Kritika Online if you do not have Kritika Online gold, then you will not be able to experience this game better.


What is Kritika Online details

Kritika Online is a free 3D animation inspired massively multiplayer online role-playing game by the release En Masse, with action elements. The game has a persistent hub and instantiated underground city, much like HeroWarz and Vindictus. Players can choose from a variety of playable courses, classified to these categories of specialized unique version, to provide a lot of changes in the party mix.


How to quickly upgrade the MU Legend game role level

Now there are a lot of gamers playing MU Legend this game, but many people have encountered a big problem, that is, "how to quickly upgrade the game character?" This allows a lot of players can not better experience the game, Then I will give the game player some quick upgrade role tips.


Path of Exile Oriath The Pantheon System

In the Fall of Oriath, you will face powerful gods from throughout Wraeclast's history. By defeating these gods, you can claim a fragment of their power for yourself. These are called Pantheon Powers and are part of the new Pantheon system. This system is present in the current Beta version of The Fall of Oriath.


Where is a good place to buy cheap Kritika Online Gold is there to accommodate Kritika Online gamers from all around the world, especially when they need to purchase Kritika Online Gold and Kritika Power leveling for the game.


Oriath Beta: Act 8 and subsequent character wipe has been moved to late next week

UPDATE After some discussion with the team, the Beta Patch that introduces Act 8 and subsequent character wipe has been moved to late next week. There will be no Beta patch this week.


Next week Path of Exile Oriath Beta clear and Restart Beta

This week the official will be deploying the first wave of changes that largely focus on polishing content that is already included in the Beta. I saw them update eleven new Support Gems!


The MU Legend gamers how to get the cheap MU Legend Zen

MU Legend Zen is highly needed by the players to buy various stuffs in the game. And no matter how hard they try, in most cases players just unable to cope with the increasing amount of MU Legend Zen demanded on each level.


How to play POE, MU Legend and Albion in the 2017 summer?


Get ZEN from OKAYMMO MU Legend Guilds

We are a group of Mu Legend loyal players, one until the force for the Guild players and game players to provide a large number of MU Legend Zen, items and goods, we have helped about 2100 people in Korea server, for them to save a lot of time to farming mu legend zen

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